IBPC QATAR is proud to present a webinar for the benefit of our current and prospective business and professional members… Building Opportunity Through Social Capital In this session, you will learn about: The 3 Take system to grow your business What is opportunity and what is its cost? What the importance of social capital and how it saves us money? How do we grow our social capital? The speaker is… Mohamed Shabeeb Life Coach and Founder ZneX Life Exec Director – BNI Qatar. He specializes in… 1) Business Performance 2) Helping CXOs, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, & Decision Makers to upgrade their performance by creating alignment and peak performance. Event Hosted by… Manoj Megchiani (VP PR – IBPC QATAR) Day: Wednesday Date: April 6, 2022 Time: 16:00 – 17:00 Time Zone: Qatar Platform: ZOOM Pre-registration is a must by clicking on…. https://bnionline.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJEqfuiqqTguEtLlz-ociAlitd1inkyvyjHU After Registration, you will receive an email with a Zoom Link exclusive to you. Seats are Limited and available on FIRST COME basis So hurry and register NOW to attend and take advantage of this valuable webinar. Ramadan Kareem