President’s Message

Azim Abbas

IBPC – Indian Business & Professional Council, the very name resonates itself with the sentiments of the Indian business and professional community in Qatar. I’m honored to lead this organisation representing the largest expatriate business and professional community in Qatar. Since it’s inception, it was the long cherished dream of the members to have it’s own office facility, which thanks to the dynamic members of the current Managing Committee, we are about to realise. Once the office becomes operational, IBPC will be transformed to be the functional bridge for the businessmen and the businesses between India and The State of Qatar. It is the declared motto of IBPC to encourage, promotes and drive the trade and business between India, the fourth largest economy in the world and The State Of Qatar, the most progressive and modern state in the region. It is also the vision of the Patron of IBPC, the Coordinating Officer of IBPC and the current Managing Committee to revamp the organisational structure of IBPC to make it more responsive, vibrant and meaningful.

While remembering the efforts and contributions of all previous office bearers and community leaders, who toiled to bring IBPC to what it is today, I request every member of Indian community who can positively contribute to bolster these declared objectives of IBPC, to join hands with us to convert it into one of the most dynamic trade bodies in Qatar.

President – Azim Abbas