Coordinating Officer’s Message

Mrs Angeline Premalatha
Counsellor (Political & Commerce) & Coordinating Officer IBPC

Indian Business & Professionals’ Council (IBPC), a premier community organization comprising of Indian entrepreneurs, professionals and businessmen based in Doha, has been engaged in promoting economic, trade and commercial ties between the business communities of the two countries. IBPC offers a platform to help prospective Indian businessmen, investors and traders to reach out to the right audience and gain a foothold in Qatar and also assist the Qatari businessmen in finding right partners  in India. It also acts as a forum to discuss business opportunities, new ideas and organise conferences, networking sessions etc. to add value by facilitating dialogue between a varied cross-section of businessmen..

The presence of 6000 Indian fully-owned and joint venture companies in Qatar is an indication of the depth of our trade and commercial linkages. It also speaks about the comfort level of the Qatari people in doing business with Indian businessmen. As the Coordinating Officer of IBPC, it is my earnest endeavours to further build on the strong foundations in economic, trade and investment domains and align the IBPC’s objectives and initiatives with the larger vision of the two countries to expand business and commercial engagement.

I urge the Indian professionals and business community in Qatar to come forward and join IBPC and contribute towards enriching the organisation and help in strengthening our mutually beneficial partnership. I am open to receiving new ideas to make the organisation more focused and resilient and invite suggestions in this regard from the robust Indian expatriate community in Qatar. I am confident that under the leadership of H.E. the Ambassador of India, Mr. P. Kumaran, the Patron of IBPC, and with the active participation of Indian expatriates, the organisation would realise its true potential.