Those individuals leading successful organizations, especially professional bodies, nurse an array of dreams about the future of their forums.

It is rightly said that dreams are the gateways to a prospective future. Mere dreams do not bring success; success is the result of pragmatic objectives and persuasions.  I, like many others, too have set some goals, and look forward to turning some of such thoughts into realistic achievements of IBPC.

I long to see IBPC as one of the most vibrant and acclaimed organizations of its kind in Qatar, and make it more endearing to those looking at it with a lot of hope and expectations.

The prime focus would be to set an agenda that upholds our defined mission and vision to attain our collective goals. I’m sure that IBPC will be the much sought after business platform in the State of Qatar.

Business is not about trade alone, rather it is an act of fostering healthy human relationships. The State of Qatar is always pursuant to expand its economy, by promoting entrepreneurs in diverse fields of business. In this wake, we need to remind ourselves that better results are possible only through teamwork and collective initiatives.

The path to success is not failing each other in the race, instead, it is about moving together and lending a helping hand to those in need. Let us all work in unison to deliver the best and to reflect the ethical principles of true business.

I hereby offer my highest regards for all the upcoming endeavors of this fabulous forum.

J K Menon
Board of Governors